
Lena's Curl Cut

the wood stove's
a head eyeing
her hair over her head
a scissor and a scissor crossed
a flaming curl of coal

her eyes decision to cross
to burn there in the stove’s coals
the burning coal for the hair
cutting her eyes in Mama
spanking for the good was
spanking the coal burning
her hair her head eye over
the good wood stove's



Perhaps weddings bring white feet and brides in from obscurity. Blank snowboards stare nowhere without hoping to please. Blank shirts walk starchly invisible. Tiny things look white but are night. Diamonds are clouds not white diamonds. Tuxedos tend to infiltrate white electric boogaloos whenever tuxedos fray. Cement was never white. Shoes are white when they choose to choose white. Pancakes under white pancakes are white, that isn’t strange. Check powdered noses for white sugar powdered beyond recognition. Paper takes white time. Other milk like this turns into curdled geese flocking long distances with clouds in the belly. Honk is honk. Honky is white.

Rubber Band Tan

Rubber finds canned tobacco like rubber finds cans. Cans interiors aren’t cans, but cans. Gnats humbly beseech rubber to unfold tanly. Cockroaches befriend tan people in cold cities. Pants blend tanly and drink manly tan. Tang isn’t tan. Gnats arent’ tan. Your eyes are not. But my cigarette light will falter before ash becomes grey, tan. Fish form teams of tanks and tread bland waters forever. Tide curls thinly like tan rubber bands.

Brick Red

Branches fall and break blooming brick sequences of movement. Daily stoning in America follows this pleasant brick. Footfalls tease rectangles into squares but cobbles drain from cinnabar lunches their forms of surprise and talkativeness. Piles of brown sunsets brick over my empty dusk. Walls, piles, sunsets, mildew in thoroughly impudent services reflecting windows beneath dirt windows. Terracotta isn’t fragile damnit!


Ratchets taste green. Foam claws greenly and stumbles into green women when fall trembles beneath skyscrapers. Light reach minds. For mobility. Cellular automata are searching for green battlements upon green battlements. Ivy tiers aren’t real, but ivy philanthropy builds true blue circus tents. Your tents are forming in strong winds, these tired trees trees. Crockery bark and candy swirls pinwheeled are pigtails with candy ribbons. Blood isn’t over its dimension of periodic redness. Eyes are green neon in the helicopter buzzing light but taxicabs glow yellow when yellows true green is blue and streetlights pull blurry figments in trapezoidal messes of lime pigments.

Shiseido Blue

Dust on blade dulls petals of sleepy rooftops. Water collapse. Dolphins have tremendous blue penises and flighty noses, their final fin is blue and green whenever they panic. Soup is within blue tarnished by hapless copper weddings. Therefore this awning will dance in late streets with brick oblivion. Eyesight isn’t trouble its double blue.


My favorite gray pony isn’t dead today. He’s tender and his mild feet thump paper on my pajamas. Clouds perfect pony’s whenever pony’s tremble in small skies, slush will gather and melt roots under gruesome concrete. Marbles of marble marble turn opaque when sun light trickles through tiny clouds.

extra soft

Soft stock mocks the tender house of a faint search
softly upward over the still pacific
conceived to establish information
of limitless potential associated
information of innovation
the potential of limitless information.

Blurred from study when finding global home
soft the global limit of manual labor,
by tender blaze the exertion stops.
One leads to the smart flattering screen,
uncover systems’ urge, more importune locks,
the project responsible for taxing words:

communists they studied formations of exemplary
they studied stock formation, the soft center of supplies
their learned formation out of practice
the quality of consumptive product’s pulp cohesion

A report’s affect on occasion—anew, uncover,
muffle supply, a round economic association.
powerful products even shelve hypocritical centers
the herd abounds in chalk the quality of mock to decry.

Response to the words on file phonetic,
to pour their slimy associations,
tendencious verse in the hot pogrom
to protect the natural definition
with respect to comfortable complexes,
conceived to establish programs of language.
a pitiable excess blocked.

the muffled world contains more drowned in a word
than observed vantages of any relieved word, a soft-colored screen,
and increases the effectiveness of mock advantage,
the mock advantage of increased effectiveness,
finding the lenient information to develop subjects
and assign a gullible block of home citizenship.

To tender soft stop on soft,
soft unfolds
a soft society of lack,
consumptive products.
soft to us
a mock effect blocked.

So, soft the product, soft the premises,
the premises of a mild program, unrestricted in global aids.
To code the source, to send the search for resisted government
to the house, providing premieres of the oft held complex
and adhesions to the thin dossier:
a vista relates facile soft soft word.

The word a management of light.
The rapport of soft.
The hot look of the cowardly word of soft society.
The hindered aids of moderate platforms
and softly la langue, an extreme south waft
though programs exercise soft security.

Soft clean unities of us, direct resources:
mock the soft pour of clean,
and maintain the search, the acquisition,
the codes that criticize the work actively found
to be a servant of soft stops: the norms of preferences.

You feebleminded word of conduct,
outside the filter of a qualified outlook,
outside the system of generalized ovation,
the interchange of light necessities:
the wiles of soft society.

Easy clients control the soft searches
and cover their critics with security,
allowing an oeuvre to approach.
They create and use aids flaunting direction
searches: aids that are in all respect
the services providing the same clients the insane house.

Pour compensation into the soft file
and aid the soft word traveling.

in your name

Anxious Pit Here
The Anxious Pier
Expiate Our Sinh
Heroine Pus Taxi
Inspire Auto Hex
Heinous Ripe Tax
Inspire Thou Axe
Six Petunia Hero
Rise Phoenix Tau
Phoenix Ear Suit
Utopian Sex Heir
Hire Utopian Sex
Either Axis Upon
Triune Axis Hope
Piteous Rain Hex
Unisex Opera Hit
Hex Utopia Siren
Her Unisex Patio
Our Six Eaten Hip
Extra Hip Use Ion
Unisex Hair Poet
Heap Unisex Riot
Euphoria Sex Tin
Ripe Exhaustion


Mock Soft, Extra

Soft tender stock, mock the house of a tender search mock stock,
softly upwards around the tender stock soft mock,
associate information of innovation,
the information out of the limitless potential,
the limitless potential out of the information.

Soft from study when finding home global,
soft the global limit of tender manual labor,
by soft study the exertion stops.
One leads to the soft smart screen,
discover systems soft, more soft stock,
the project responsible for soft words:

for example of communists they studied stock formation;
they studied stock formation, soft-centered.
The report's tender occasion, a new global
soft supply, a round economic association,
powerful products, even soft stock centers
the world around stock the quality of mock supplies.

Responsible for the soft words on file,
to pour to them tender associations, extra blocked.
Soft verse in hot of main pogrom stock
to protect the natural definition
with respect to tender complexes,
conceived to establish program of language.

Because the soft world includes more around the world
than the observed advantages of the soft word on the smart screen,
and increases the effectiveness of mock advantage,
the mock advantage of increased effectiveness,
finding out the soft information develops the subjects
and assigns tender stock of home citizenship.

To tender soft stop of soft,
soft unfolds
soft society of mock
consumptive products.
soft to us is
mock stock blocked.

So, soft the product, soft the premises,
the premises of a tender program, soft in global aids.
To code the source, to send the search for soft government
to the house, providing premises of the soft help complex
and adhesions in the soft dossier:
vista relations facile soft soft word.

The word a management of soft.
The rapport of soft.
The hot look of the soft word of soft society.
The tender aids of soft platforms
and soft langue of an extra south waft
through program exercise of soft security.

Which applications support him?
You soft word of conduct,
outside the filter of soft outlook,
outside the system of generalized ovation,
the interchange of soft necessities:
the files of soft society.

Soft cleans extra unities of us and directs the resources:
mock the soft pour of soft, of clean,
and maintain the search, the acquisition,
the codes that criticize work, actively found
to be soft servant of mock
soft stops: the norms of preferences.

Easy-to-use clients control the soft searches
and cover their critics with security,
allowing an oeuvre to approach.
They create and use aids soft of south
searches, aids that are in all respect
the services providing the same clients the soft house.

See? The respect report continues.
Pour extra compensation in the file of soft,
and aid the soft word traveling.

Extra Soft Mock

mock the house of a soft search
mock softly upwards stops
around the associate information of innovation
the information of soft home
from study when finding out the limit
the limitless potential of soft
the global manual labor aids
providing exertion by soft study
of soft centers of communists
they studied formation of supplies
softly conceived to establish
the quality of consumptive products soft
and assign the product premises of a program
program of language pogrom
finding out the global soft
the soft home citizenship
them in him in global soft
verse in hot of main oeuvre
aids in them even soft
of you centered soft to pour
to them south of soft
langue in soft dossier responsible
for soft word of the report
an occasion soft, soft word
the file of soft, soft society of mock
search for mock to the house of soft
stop a round economic association of soft
soft government of the world
around the program of the soft world
include more around the world exercise
to send the advantage of services soft
a new global supply to us
support provides the soft mock
mock the soft pour of information
soft associations of clean
soft extra cleans unities of us direct
the resources to the increase
the effectiveness which develops
applications on platforms of soft
unfolds and maintains products of soft
that are powerful to all
easy to use clients control the search
the help complex discover systems soft
more with respect to the vista
relations of searches, soft searches
facile complexes extra soft
soft word the file of soft society mock
blocked and created and used the project
blocked one to leads the soft smart screen
who aids outside the filter of soft out
the look of servant interchange of soft continues
approach the soft to respect the soft word
the smart screen clients of the hot look
the soft word of soft society
mock the house of soft stops
the norms of soft security of conduct
subjects the system of generalized preferences
aids cover their critics necessities with security
allowing an ovation the codes of soft
criticize to code the source
worked actively to protect natural
the definition and adhesions found soft
see the report, the acquisition, observe the soft
advantages respect responsible for
the soft word on file of the soft word
travel soft, pour extra compensation
the rapport of soft extra south
waft the word a management of soft

Lena's Curl

When Lena was Lena
Lena was two
about two years
two years about
not old, old only
two years aged

she had a cut
a cute curl cut
cutely curtly cut
a cute curl
a curlique cut cutely, curtly

resting there, right there
in the front of there
over there, her hair
in front and over
her eyes in the front
eyes in her head
of her head and over
there her hair over
her head in her eyes

Mama was spanking
to be spanking
brand spanking new spanking
always spanking to tell
a fresh spanking to tell
the hair in her eyes, spanking
cross eyes, cross hair, crossed
spanking her eyes out crossly
cross-eyed keeping to tell
hair out hair, out eyes eyed crossly

a day, one day decided to decide
the day eyes decision to cross
right cutting, right spanking the right
to decide not decided in front
there that hair to decide
good eyed goody got eyed
in the curl the cut of the hair
there on the hair head, forehead

a scissor and a scissor, crossed
scissors to cut just cut
justly cut to decide their hair
get to make the hair
to put the decision
a hair’s decision to cross
a hair’s eye to cut
justly cut just off cut
her curly eyed curl cut off

Mama’s fire not aflame
a flaming curl of coal
cold coals are dead
Mama’s dead coals
still there the burning hair
not burning the wood
the hair not burning
still there the stove un burnt
the hair was still there
not there no there above

hair eyed hair crossed the coal
to start a fire the stove
hair coal went to see
hair to be seen in scene
when Mama went to fire
the scene told her hair
told Lena to cross her hair
the coal in her eyes’ head
hoping to burn there
in the stove’s cool coals

it’s right, all right, that’s right
she asked Mama ask Lena
for the good spanking
for the hair cutting
the coal burning
the head eyeing
the wood stove


Pegasus Nerve Motor

Pegasus emotion sank brittle, bloodied
flying, hoof inked, stain root.
Ghosts must move uneven,
slink around carrion-
feathered foot:

Jaw, detached, melted in Euphrates,
water released a deer, a loot.
Curving plant shake arm,
slake thirst of bank,
molten wood:

Stand wrapped, break pencil,
nerve writhe in sheets.
Ease cap, Rip Winkle,
making motor

Bombs in cracked candy flame, mistaken
in tin car, stick, drive it today.
Tank bent to shape your bed,
but gas repels your teddy--
take it away:

The list limped sly under wrist, unmixable,
ascending crane to brain, the cap.
Cat necked tear of fleas,
blur of freak accident,
harm of desk, crack:

Canyon of cry-chopped morning
lit same drain: tar, gum, crayon.
Peeled jelly of molasses day,
record of thin wall fissure,
site mud through vision:

Lease tractor of left troops burns a moot
uniform on famous nude danny boy.
Slurp vita wheat of skin slow
in Kansas, cover Canada,
roll blank spots, unform:

Leave glasses on sidewalk, pop
pox off torn cat stare on fake bird.
Slap fanny over Hollywood
caste stuck in dentists talent,
skeleton cockspur, record :

Willow thinks dome colors fission,
maliciously simple in nuclear shell.
China dig occident holdings,
fax ton snakes hats,
hair bell:

Leave it tomorrow, tink tinkerer,
parachin woodnail mores moss.
Pegasus emotion sank brittle:
Moodily my maker barks.


a final calamity’s strange delight

before release, the precise chemical
invader crushes, invader clarifies invader’s lens
attract another created surface
until the light pressed upon
a carnival breaks the ocular cavity
the self and the scene viewed

birds flock a sunlike light made a mess
a miraculous bowl of decay
the smooth location as lavender
in search of viewer forgotten
to no longer distinguish

women hang laundry speaking lowly
the last sentence begins
grass will grow on high
what is left of the festivities

the past polished avian eye inside itself
pecked sparrows from her bright bicycle
or pithy logical inquiries underground network
suggest half in hard rain fury awash
a candy shop the universe all compassing
and the hovel turn of the century impossible

air abandoned caramel apples
comfort channels proved windows
dunes vista clear of fault
time next year men cry measure in delights
strange measure to potent collapse
draw unsteady version of liquids straggling
revealing no space this time follows purpose

since profound injunction to be airborn
strains of light the image uttered
by perfumed conversation
spread across the city such distracted vision
left in littered clumps drinking
a well-lit street split in two recedes
through shacks pursuing wind enveloped

clouded by an unclear gloom in hand
one stout standard torn away from its amalgamation
passer-by resembles shifted and prevalent
along the said man as far as the fair weight

the party to manage surmise
surveyors come with a tide
the wife, follow his matrimony
since the wedding underlays the system
the many had been lured into streets
spent by streamlined young popcorn

when called out of several rotunda
shore left a shore to journalists
the jersey obliged to account
he was to type up his

the office called out of their
cleared storm-swept tape-recorder
a calf's eye time never-to-be
besides being


Strange Delights

a final draft calamity

before releasing the precise chemical
invader invader invader invader invader
crushes lens clarifies
attract another
round the organ the light until
pressed upon the ocular cavity a carnival breaks
birds flock down made completely a mess
the self and the scene viewed

surfaces create a sunlike light
a miraculous bowl of decay
smooth as lavender
the location in search of forgotten nourishment
the viewer can no longer distinguish between
women hanging laundry and speaking lowly
at what was left of the festivities
the last sentence of which began
Grass will grow on the high

the past that polished inside the avian eye itself
sparrows pecked her bright bicycle
Ornithological inquiries underground network
have suggested in the hard rain fury a wish
a candy shop and the hovel turn of the century
the air abandoned with caramel apples
the channels proved impossible
dunes vista windows clear of fault

this time next year men cried Strange Delights
to measure the potent the collapsed version of itself
unsteady liquids revealing no purpose straggling
since space-time follows this injunction
profound to be airborn
strains of light with the image uttered by
perfumed conversation

spread across the city such distracted vision
left in clumps littered receded drinking
split in two a well-lit street
shacks pursuing through wind enveloped
one stout amalgamation tore away from its standard
clouded by an unclear groom into hand
resemble passers-by shifted and prevalent
along the said man

as the fair the weight of party to manage
the surmised Surveyors came
with a tide on the wife , .
follow his matrimony since the wedding under
the lay with the system
the many had been lured to

into streets a streamlined spent young with popcorn
When called out of several shore rotunda
left a shore to journalists of the jersey obliged
the account he was to type up of his
. , ,to . The was , . of . , but . out their

When the office called . , “…” He his time at the office his tape-recorder
cleared like storm-swept never-to-be
of a calf's eye being
asides being