
Lena's Curl

When Lena was Lena
Lena was two
about two years
two years about
not old, old only
two years aged

she had a cut
a cute curl cut
cutely curtly cut
a cute curl
a curlique cut cutely, curtly

resting there, right there
in the front of there
over there, her hair
in front and over
her eyes in the front
eyes in her head
of her head and over
there her hair over
her head in her eyes

Mama was spanking
to be spanking
brand spanking new spanking
always spanking to tell
a fresh spanking to tell
the hair in her eyes, spanking
cross eyes, cross hair, crossed
spanking her eyes out crossly
cross-eyed keeping to tell
hair out hair, out eyes eyed crossly

a day, one day decided to decide
the day eyes decision to cross
right cutting, right spanking the right
to decide not decided in front
there that hair to decide
good eyed goody got eyed
in the curl the cut of the hair
there on the hair head, forehead

a scissor and a scissor, crossed
scissors to cut just cut
justly cut to decide their hair
get to make the hair
to put the decision
a hair’s decision to cross
a hair’s eye to cut
justly cut just off cut
her curly eyed curl cut off

Mama’s fire not aflame
a flaming curl of coal
cold coals are dead
Mama’s dead coals
still there the burning hair
not burning the wood
the hair not burning
still there the stove un burnt
the hair was still there
not there no there above

hair eyed hair crossed the coal
to start a fire the stove
hair coal went to see
hair to be seen in scene
when Mama went to fire
the scene told her hair
told Lena to cross her hair
the coal in her eyes’ head
hoping to burn there
in the stove’s cool coals

it’s right, all right, that’s right
she asked Mama ask Lena
for the good spanking
for the hair cutting
the coal burning
the head eyeing
the wood stove


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Anathemata said...

Steinly obvious and obviously Stein
ok, admitted

At 6:19 PM, Blogger tiny-o said...

tippity tap though, Stein makes the foot tap, the hair burn, the eye curl, and the stove slap Mama. Now that's animation poetics.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Stanley Bishop Burhans said...

I like it. It's quite different from Stein actually, more deliberate in its use of repetition. You use repetition here in ways that you intend to produce effects, whereas Stein often just lets it ebb and flow in a way that's less noticeably strategic

Myself, I like effects, because I live in Hollywood. Poetry and comic books are the two genres with the largest F-X potentials (and F-X in these genres are pleasingly cheap


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