denomi balance
Once upon time there was natinga.
Time up n, added d, apart;
to unmakion, contractede wholes.
Left a holeing repetition of an infi—
rect into a tonal contstrurn.
Decimtraction a con single point.
An unendnite series,
once uson once wasuals,
time to plare yramatic e.
Cryover equals n. There was the
denomi balance parts slashe,
domingles ballast, af weighes old t to wait.
Fractions u there eq spinpon, timequals,
there equals ttion over dr here.
Time was once upon acceleraag.
Friction's d now, wavelengths twist, as weceleration
lins curve constaaction, infinitelynating redressed;
crand des shift with grnt subtravitational pull.
Arcs scubed, lowed plots, vto rear.
Pids walarity, celerity' ecta ell a=
light's velocity amiss.